Atheist Rubric

October 30, 2006

Originally posted to ydnar.vox.com in October 2006.

There are many things I could say about this book. One of which is that I am the furthest from its intended audience as one could be. With an economy of pages (it weighs in at 96 pages, including references), Sam Harris presents a compelling case on morality, rule of law and the effect religion has had on humanity.

The book is at the same time both hilarious and incredibly frightening. With a few bits of simple logic, it dismantles a number of Christian precepts. Later it describes the dangerous effect that "religious morality" has on the health and well-being of mankind.

One example is the Right's opposition to a HPV vaccine because it would encourage premarital sex. If you extend this to a theoretical HIV vaccine, then the utter abhorrence of this point of view becomes clear.

Something Letterman said to Bill O'Reilly said the other night rang true here: "It's not a simple question, because I'm a thoughtful person."